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Data Encryption Standard and triple DES

Updated: May 21, 2022

DES is a symmetric algorithm called as data encryption standard. It is a 64-bit block cipher referring to encryption of 64 bits data at one time. IBM was conducting research in 1960’ which resulted in the development of Cipher by name LUCIFER. In 1970’s many changes were brought to LUCIFER to commercialize it. Lucifer had 128 bits which got reduced to 56 bits for DES. Later in 1977 with all the changes, DES came into existence. DES had many controversies in it but still NIST –National Institute of standard technologies has issued the use of DES in governments for five more years in other than classified information use. It is symmetric cipher as the encryption and decryption process is performed using the same key. The key length of DES is 56 bits; it is very short and is insecure for applications which resulted in making advancements of cryptography (Kasiran et al., 2019).

Triple DES came into existence to overcome the shortcomings of DES in terms of security by increasing the key size and using different keys for encryption and decryption. Triple DES works in the same way as DES, the difference is that DES algorithm will run for three times with 3 keys. Each block in Triple DES has 64 bits of data to increase the security. There are 3 keys with 56 bits for each key and the keying options in DES include presence of all independent keys, 2 keys are independent and identical 3 keys. In triple DES input data gets encrypted for three times.The key length in triple DES is 168 bits but only 112 bits are having good security. Because of this triple DES is losing its presence in the market. It is said that by 2023 triple DES will be completely out of existence. AES-Advanced Encryption Standard is currently gaining popularity because of its security features (Ratnadewi et al., 2018).


Kasiran, Z., Farah Ali, H., & Mohamed Noor, N. (2019). Time performance analysis of advanced encryption standard and data encryption standard in data security transaction. Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, 16(2), 988.

Ratnadewi, Adhie, R., Hutama, Y., Saleh Ahmar, A., &Setiawan, M. (2018). Implementation Cryptography Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) Method in Communication System Based Near Field Communication (NFC). Journal Of Physics: Conference Series, 954(1), 012009.

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